Adventures du jour! August 8

This morning: more falls but deeper into poses, particularly forward bends. I think writing the scene I was worried about yesterday helped me on several levels. It feels like I carry tension and resistance that come from mostly emotional/mental stuff, and I carry tension and resistance that come mostly from neglecting my body. The emotional/mental […]

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Adventure du jour! August 4

Another good bit from exercising this morning, this time from yoga. I’ve always struggled with keeping my balance. This morning, I’m doing a half-assed, one-legged tree pose and I suddenly start saying, “I’m *going* to fall. I’m *going* to wobble and I’m *going* to fall.” At that point, my wobbling got worse but I didn’t

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Adventure du jour! August 3

[This was the first post in what would become the pretty epic saga of recovering from a bad marriage, reclaiming friendships, rebuilding my body using yoga and walking, and writing a book. It’s still ongoing as I type this, but this is the first post, originally from Facebook, that I can find.] This morning’s “out

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