About Wonderland Press

Midjourney-generated AI "selfie" of author DeAnna Knippling


Midjourney-generated AI “selfie” of author DeAnna Knippling

Fiction for Bookworms

Wonderland Press creates eclectic, savory fiction for readers who love the thrill of a surprising plot twist and a sense that reality is more than it seems. We celebrate a melange of flavors.

Our mission is to name the world’s dullness and despair and use a wide variety of flavors like humor, love, fear, mystery, and adventure to bring our readers restoration and refreshment.

Wonderland Press creates fiction ebooks, print books, and audiobooks that can be purchased at all major retailers. We also create essays and articles about how to savor the world and some of the delights to be found within it. Finally, for authors, we create nonfiction fiction and classes that support building a long-term writing and publishing career.

The Alice in Wonderland books have a special place in our hearts. We aspire to bring Lewis Carroll’s subversive spirit of overturning stuffy irrationality in everything we do.

Our vision is to embrace a world where creativity and joy triumph over mundanity and despair, and where people are appreciated for their diverse experiences, opinions, and talents.

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About DeAnna Knippling





Selfie photo of author DeAnna Knippling


Actual selfie of author DeAnna Knippling, with daughter Ray

DeAnna Knippling is an eclectic bookworm who writes mystery, horror, science fiction, fantasy, romance, and classic-style pulp adventure stories with plot twists to die for!

Learning how to read at the age of three so she could entertain her younger brother, DeAnna has always had a passion for stories across genres. She grew up on a farm in South Dakota, where she learned about a longing for magic, then moved to Iowa City, where she learned what it felt like to live in the future.

She is a member of Colorado’s Pikes Peak Writers and has presented mad-scientist-level lectures at multiple conferences and sessions.

Recently divorced and living in Florida, she has lived a number of strange lives, working as a nursing home assistant, a technical writer for a military program, a mom and freelance ghostwriter with over seventy novels under her belt, a marketer for a company staffed with former intelligence agents and Special Forces, and more.

Her hobbies are cooking, taking long walks on the beach, digging into the realm of open-source intelligence, fangirling over history, science, and psychology—and reading lots of fiction, graphic novels, and web comics while her tea goes cold.

She is the author of The House Without a Summer, The Clockwork Alice, A Murder of Crows, and more. Find her at www.WonderlandPress.com.

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