Kris and Dean have good articles up on priorities recently…
Kris: On Popcorn Kittens.
Dean: Priorities in this Brave New World.
What is the #1 thing that an indie writer should do? WRITE.
What have I been putting last on my list for the last two weeks? WRITING.
I have a stack of publishing things to do, from putting up the new Haunted Empire cover (with the help of Jeremy Martinson of Ponies Studios) (I know, I know–change the swirly font!), to doing a new print galley of Chance Damnation so I can get the POD up, to getting the first Exotics book out, to a dozen other behind-the-scenes things that can get more of my books read, to the VERY IMPORTANT WFH stuff I need to do to keep body and soul together while I wait for the indy stuff to take off…
I am so far behind on the writing schedule I made up this April that it’s saaad. I’m behind one whole novel at this point, and typing up a second (a NaNo book that I wrote longhand, nevermind). AND a new party game to write.
Where did the freaking time go?
Lost in the learning curve, that’s what. And pay work. And…to be honest, staying connected.
But: I should be done with the first draft of this novel, YOUR SOUFFLE MUST DIE, today. Today. Unfortunately, lots of editing to do on it (for me, that is), because I got sick of looking things up toward the end, and it’s a mystery novel, so it has to run like clockwork. And recipe testing! That should be fun…but also not writing.
Next up, Exotics #4. I have to bump it up in the writing queue, because it’s based on Ray, and I want to catch her at the same moments, tracking how she seems to understand the world, the things she’s concerned about. And #4 is a summer-vacation book.
I need to have one of these mental-reminder-of-priorities sessions about once a month, I think.
The Haunted Empire cover. Swirly text needs to be changed.