Book Release!

I was really straining to try to come up with something deep for my blog over the last few days. “I have to write something for release day…I better make it good!”

Yeah, I’m sick, and most of my functionally witty brain cells have curled up with a cup of hot water (all I can taste of tea is bitterness), a cough drop, and a blankie. So “good” will have to be relative today.

Choose Your Doom:  Zombie Apocalypse has been released online at Doom Press, Amazon, Borders, Barnes & Nobles, Books-A-Million, Powell’s, and many other places, I hope.  (The publishers are still in discussion over some pretty cool stuff, but I don’t want to talk about it until they say it’s a done deal.)

Book and mortar stores?  Not so much.  If you see a copy out in the wild, let me know!  But because this is the publisher’s first book, bookstores are a tad bit reluctant to stock it.  The next part of my evil plan is, as soon as I get author copies, to schlep books to the stores in town and say, “Pretty pretty want one?”

I’m pretty sure the answer will be “yes.”

I’ve tried to contact various local bookstores and conventions by e-mail, but that seems to be the perfect way to be ignored, so I’m going to try again with materials in hand and my face at the door.  If you know of a book store in Colorado that I should check out, let me know.  I’m planning on hitting Black Cat, Hooked on Books, B&N/Borders in town (they’re only stocking books for the signing, I believe), Poor Richard’s, Compleat Games and Hobbies, and Tattered Cover in Highland Ranch.  If you have contact info, even better 🙂

Here are the signing dates:

December 11th, South Colorado Springs Borders, 1-5 p.m.

December 12th, Park Meadows Borders, 1-5 p.m.

If you’re in the Colorado Springs area and want me to sign a book, let me know.  I still don’t have my books yet, though!

I have had a lot of support on this book, not just from the publisher side of things, but from people I know and people that I’ve met through the course of trying to get word out.

Thank you.  It’s humbling to have other people on my side; I will do my best to be on your side, too.

Finally, as always, this book wouldn’t be happening with out Lee and Ray.  Without them, I wouldn’t have the reservoir of strength to do this, either the writing side or the public side.  And I certainly wouldn’t be happy enough to be able to crack jokes about it.

9 thoughts on “Book Release!”

  1. Congrats, De!

    If you’re up here at the Borders, and are going to hit up the Tattered Cover, right in-between is Enchanted Grounds. It’s a coffee shop / gaming store, on Colorado just below 470 (no exit there — you have to get off at Quebec or University and come across on County Line). I think they carry at least some books, and the nature of this one is such that I could imagine them stocking it.

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