- We are safely home in COS. Had pollo con crema to celebrate. #
- I apologize; I'm waaaay behind after the SD trip. I'll get caught up ASAP. #
- Done with Procrustean Mirror. Taking break to unpack. “What’s in the box?”
“Your marriage.” # - Ambergate by Patricia Elliott – Beautifully flawed characters in character-driven plot, first of series. #
- Sweet Myrtle & Bitter Honey by Efisio Farris – cover-to-cover Sardinian cookbook. #
- I'm in a mood. Funny, it's not time for PMS, but it feels similarly wonky. I'll probably just go with it. #
- I think I figured out where to send Chance Damnation – to ChiZine, not a NY house. I suddenly feel much better about the book. #
- There's always free cheddar in a mousetrap, baby It's a deal, it's a deal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxLAT2U1bCc #
- A zorcico is a type of Basque music/dance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tt-yWQEXeo #
- @ChuckWendig Oh, God. I take back all the poo jokes I made this week so far. That's tragic. in reply to ChuckWendig #
- @doycet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in reply to doycet #
- @doycet I told Lee. He was less than comprehending for thirty seconds. in reply to doycet #
- @doycet No, it was like, "What does that mean?" in reply to doycet #
- C13 Chance done. "When a man runs away from the table, you don’t go looking for him, not unless you were his girlfriend or something." #
- @chizinepub BLUSH. in reply to chizinepub #
- @chizinepub True…but thanks for being around, eh? in reply to chizinepub #
- @syrimne1 One "we don't take no steenkin ms" and one "thanks, I got your ms, will look at it later." Not from same house 🙂 in reply to syrimne1 #
- @syrimne1 You? in reply to syrimne1 #
- The Spirit Lens by Carol Berg – gleefully read every word. Next book's not out yet, dammit. #
- Finally made it to Trinity last night. Good beer, great food, wonderful company. #
- @syrimne1 Sent out hardcopies to everyone I didn't otherwise hear from on both books, then an e-query to a new ed to replace the rejection. in reply to syrimne1 #
- Working on a good project…but OW my head hurts from hitting the wall. Ungh. #
- @syrimne1 There's nothing like a day of mailing out packages to give you incentive to finish that chapter you've been putting off 🙂 in reply to syrimne1 #
- @kknippling Send them both my keeeses. in reply to kknippling #
- At the marina in Chamberlain in case anybody needs to know. (Knip reunion.) #
- Sunset, river. #
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