Writing Craft, Vol. 3: Summary Details

(This time, we talk about the other type of detail!) Going on Autopilot: Summary Details Now that I’ve explained how complex yet how beneficial using sensory details can be, let’s talk about summary details. It may seem like there isn’t much reason to use summary details: they don’t create verisimilitude and they aren’t memorable. However,

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Writing Craft, Vol. 3: The Power of Location

(This time we’ll talk about using location to sustain memory and how structure affects memory.) One of the strangest, but still logical, elements of memory is how we process location. The part of our brain that processes location is so strong that you can use it to “chunk” incredible amounts of information. Here’s how to

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Writing Craft V3: The Elements of Memory

(Today’s entry is on the elements of memory, which I find some of the coolest stuff ever!) The Elements of Memory Out in the real world—not the fictional one–when you are paying attention, you collect sensory information. This includes sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. It also includes a lot of other minor senses, like the

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