April 2004

Tooth news. Lee went to the dentist yesterday; he did have to get the tooth extracted. He went to the oral surgeon (Maxiliofacial Associates, near Colorado College–he recommends them highly), and everything went well. Much less pain now, and all our shoulders relax just a little.

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Romance. Slow-dancing to a not-so-slow dancing song while your daughter runs around in a circle, screeching. Dancing! Dancing!

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Milestone. Today was Ray’s first big apology. She smashed a dozen eggs into the carpet of her bedroom. For not the first time. She and I picked up eggshells (by hand, becuause she can’t vaccuum) and sopped up the goo. Then she apologized to Daddy, because it was driving him nuts. “Sorry eggs. Broken eggs.

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Beatitudes. Ever wonder if the Beatitudes of the Bible are kind of like Chinese curses? “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Be careful what you wish for…

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something good can happen something lucky ’cause i’m ready for something unexpected i keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but i’m ready for something good instead i’m ready to be delighted

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Hitherby Dragons. “I have brought you gifts, too,” Sabin says. “Fine foods. Silks. A woman for your harem.” “No sexual services,” Parmys clarifies. She studies the creature, and then nods firmly. “I am strictly a prestige odalisque.” –RSBorgstrom

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Job. No job. PS. It went to an internal candidate. Also, the guy confirms: It wasn’t the writing or the professionalism. The other candidate had more internal departmental experience. Sigh.

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Strange Moose. We watched Brother Bear today. That is Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas. Doug McKenzie: I am your father, Luke. Give in to the dark side of the force, you knob. Bob McKenzie: He saw Jedi 17 times, eh.

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Easter. We did the plastic egg/sticker version of decorating Easter eggs. Why? Less mess. Ironically, Ray got ahold of a permanent marker I’d been using and colored on the floor. On the other hand, there are still no worries about missing eggs going bad. I think I’m going to make devilied eggs, anyway. Lee helped

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