April 2003

Foul mood. Man, I’m in a foul mood today. Man, my foul moods just ain’t what they used to be. Ah, for those angst-ridden years of yore… Many thanks to my spouse and daughter, who make having a foul mood an enjoyable change of pace.

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Rule # This one. Dripping sarcasm is a handy rhetorical device used to trick your audience into thinking that which you mock is worthy of being mocked. It’s useful in preventing 1) honest discussion, 2) open-mindedness, and 3) discovery of a shaky opinion, as well as for other worthy purposes. Of course your oponent is

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My book. I’ve hit writer’s sludge, a slow period in which you’re not sure if what you’re written is honey or crap. Nevertheless, still grinding along.

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Unfortunately, the daily poop occurances have drifted into my shift. For the logest time I enjoyed both relative poop freedom and ghastly stories of The Poop You Missed This Morning. Oh, well…

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When encouraging artistic skills… you must also remember to promote critical thinking. Ray has come into that fine age in which she has begun to see all surfaces as canvases for her pen. She also has come into that fine age where she doesn’t take criticism well. I told her her cubism looked more like

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Reviews. Boo! Crooked, Laura and Tom McNeal. A good book of the adolescents’ realism variety, well-written enough to make up for the depressing realism (why is it that “realistic” books are usually so depressing? Life isn’t always depressing, unless you’re the kind of person that should be on Prozac anyway) and “literary” (unresolved) ending. Humor’s

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Duck. Yesterday we drove to Memorial park to feed the ducks. We fed ducks, we fed pigeons, we fed a brave squirrel, we tried to bonk a bullying goose on the head with chunks of bread (but we missed so he just ate them instead). And then Lee said, “Is this a walk away day

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Quantum Muse Stephen Brust Interview. QM: If you had 20 million dollars, would you spend it on a trip to the space station, or would you just waste it? SKZB: I would not waste it. I would make good, solid investments in drugs and hookers.

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Ah ah ah ah ah! With no warning whatsoever, our nearly-eighteen month daughter started trying to count a couple of days ago. Um, soo, shee, seden, yay! Soo, shee, soo, shee, um, yay! The rythm of the words is just right, and she’s usually pointing at one thing after another or doing one thing after

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