Pride and Joy. Ray has pooped on the poopin’ chair. Last Saturday, also today. She was just kind of hanging out, when all of a sudden there was a…plop! Lee and I stared at her in stunned silence. Then we broke out in cheers. Praise and praise! So if I effuse at anyone, it’s just […]
Christmas As expected and probably best enjoyed all around, Ray made out with the majority of the swag. Some details: The Giant Tickle Me Elmo monster of doom has had the honor of sharing primo stuffed toy award with the Cat in the Hat; however, Elmo wins the tiebreaker of having his eyeballs thoroughly licked.
Playground Slang: “Ever been called a “shreddie”, felt like a quick “wallace and gromit”, shown your “spider’s legs” or been given a “hitler”? If you have, well, so sorry. If you haven’t the slightest idea what the terms mean, then Chris Lewis has the very book for you.” –from an online article about playground slang.
Bork! Bork! Bork! Via ***Dave: You are the the Swedish Chef. You are a talented individual, nobody understandsyou. Perhaps it’s because you talk funny. FAVORITE EXPRESSION: “Brk! Brk! Brk!” HOBBIES: Kokin’ der yummee-yummers FAVORITE MOVIE: “Wild Strawberries…and Creme” LAST BOOK READ: “Der Swedish Chef Kokin’ Bokin’” QUOTE: “Vergoofin der flicke stoobin mit der brk-brkyubetcha!” What