Editing for Indie Writers: Outline

Time to get back into the editing series…a new beginning for a new year.  I want to apologize for heading off in the wrong direction earlier, but it’s a blog: like any conversation, it’s pretty much first draft.

I know a lot of writers who are like, “You must never show anyone a less-than-perfect version of your work; it’s unprofessional.”  But you also have to market yourself as a writer, and I’m a process writer.  “Show me the process!” So I guess I have to market myself as a get in there, get your hands dirty kind of person when it comes to writing, and never admitting to a mistake would be wrong, too.  A conundrum.

That doesn’t mean that I advise sloppiness, though.  I’m reading this Writer’s Digest book that about has me climbing the walls, wanting to hit people.  “Look, a VERB goes here.  A VERB.  Spell check picks those kinds of things up now.  A VERB.”  I am in despair of this book’s commas.

Eh, look at me talking when there’s editing to do.  I’m going to shoot for at least part of a chapter every week.

“So here’s the plan,” she said, knowing that it meant that her plan was thereby jinxed:

  1. Introduction:  The Editing Perspective
  2. Editing Roadmap:  First Draft to Final Book
  3. Is Your First Draft Ready (Warning: Plot Synopsis)
  4. Initial Reader (Beta-reader) Preparation (a.k.a. The Cleanup)
  5. Integrating Comments
  6. Copyediting Overview
  7. Style Sheets
  8. Copyediting Checklist
  9. Before You Lay Out the Book:  A Checklist
  10. Ebook and POD Book Layout Checklists
  11. Typesetting for Ebooks and POD Books
  12. Proofreading
  13. The Sanity Check: Checklists
  14. Conclusion:  Post-Editing Smugness
  15. Resources

If you happen to think of something else you want covered, from “this was a pain, so pass this on” to “what should I do if…?” or even “Jeez, I can’t believe you gave such a lame, inaccurage suggestion…”   Because yo, that’s how I roll: see step 5.

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