Raynews. She now has two teeth. She can stand on her own for five seconds at a time, but she doesn’t try to walk yet. She can nest dishes inside each other.

We took her to her nine-month doctor’s appointment on Thursday. She may not eat whatever she wants, although not to the point where she misses any nursing meals — we shouldn’t wean her yet. She is twenty-eight inches long, and weighs twenty pounds, three ounces. Her head size is OK. She didn’t like the student nurse that was seeing her, so the student nurse (right after shoving stuff in Ray’s ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and rubbing a cold stethoscope all over the bebe–all without a single smile at the bebe) decided Ray has stranger anxiety. The assistant (who gave her her shots) got nothing but Raysmiles, having first flirted with the bebe.

Lee helped hold Ray when it was time for the shots. I had the upper half, and he had the lower, so he had to watch the shots. He said that the needles did indeed look huge sticking all the way into her legs. She had a little fever that night, and the dire rears for a couple of diapers, but she appears to be fine now.

Almost forgot. She can play peek now. She doesn’t hide behind her hands (we don’t, either, I guess), but she’ll crawl around a corner and stick her head out to peek at you.

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